The survey contains an analysis of the global olive oil market and examines the economic and financial performance of the 2019-2022 period of the 50 Italian joint-stock companies with a 2022...
L'indagine contiene un'analisi del mercato mondiale dell'olio d'oliva ed esamina le performance economico-finanziarie del periodo 2019-2022 delle 50 società di capitali italiane con fatturat...
Database in EXCEL dei 50 maggiori produttori di olio d’oliva italiani, con fatturato individuale superiore a €20mln, contenente i dati di bilancio relativi al quinquennio 2019-2023...
The survey covers 253 leading Italian limited companies with total sales of over €20mn in 2022. The companies posted aggregate revenues of €11.8bn, representing 88.4% of the national sector ...
The Mediobanca Research Area has published a focus on the Prosecco system, which combines the earnings and financial data for wine makers with 2022 turnover of more than €20m for the 2019-23...